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Numerical Methods Website

27 March 2021

2 min read

Table of Contents

1. What is it?

2. Mathematical Typesetting

3. Visualizations

4. Site Tour

5. Conclusions

What is it?

While taking an engineering course on numerical methods back in February 2021, I took the initiative to create a couple of interactive solvers using React.js. It was my first moderately complex React project. Material UI was used to simplify UI development.

It also supports matrix-based inputs:

Mathematical Typesetting

In academic documents, TeX is a typesetting system often used to render mathematical formulae. This website uses KaTeX to render custom TeX on the browser. Based on user inputs, the website computes the numerical results of a specific algorithm and outputs them in TeX format rendered by KaTex.

        MathQuill is another library used to enable users to type mathematical formulae.


In addition to mathematical rendering, the website also provides interactive graphs using the Desmos graphing library.

Site Tour

Using React Joyride, users can view a tour of the different components of each solver.


It was a pretty fun experience implementing the numerical algorithms learnt from the subject in Javascript while crafting user-friendly interfaces with React.