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Oasis SIB Worship

29 April 2022

4 min read

Table of Contents

1. The Problem

2. The Solution

3. Sessions

4. Songs

5. Chord Annotations

6. PowerPoint Generation

7. Statistics

8. Conclusions

The Problem

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and country-wide lockdowns, the church I was serving at resorted to livestreaming camera feeds to YouTube. To enhance the experience, PowerPoint slides were superimposed onto the camera feeds using chroma keying.

Green screen example

Green screen example

While sections like sermon points and announcements require reasonable time to prepare, worship slides are the most time-consuming and tedious because song lyrics must be manually split into multiple slides. A worship session typically covers 5 songs which, in my experience, are approximately equivalent to 100 slides or more.

PowerPoint Worship Slides

PowerPoint Worship Slides

Another observation of mine was that while worship teams try to alternate between songs to keep the worship fresh, eventually songs are chosen and sung again in different Sundays. This means duplicate work is done if the person-in-charge has to create slides for the song again in the future. To summarize,

  • Preparing worship slides is a tedious thing to do week in week out
  • Songs get repeated once in a while, leading to duplicate work
  • There's no centralized reference for worship songs in the church

The Solution

The idea of using a website to address these issues appealed to me as a website is accessible to anyone with modern web browser and requires minimal setup. Given that the target users possess tech literacy ranging from bare-minimum to competent, the website's UX must be sufficiently intuitive to use. This was an especially difficult challenge to tackle as I did not have much experience in UX design.

        After 2 months of prototyping with Next.js and Typescript, the website was viable enough in achieving its objectives. The data was hosted on PlanetScale which offers a generous free tier for serverless MYSQL databases. Additionally, Prisma was used to interact with the database in a type-safe manner without cooking up raw SQL.


A session refers to a worship session for each Sunday. The home page displays all the sessions created in the past.

Each session contains info on the worship team roles, the order of songs, and additional info.


Songs can be easily added by specifying their title, artist and most importantly, the lyrics. By integrating Quill with some customizations of my own, adding song lyrics is quite straightforward similar to using Microsoft Word. Genius is a company which specializes in song lyrics and provides an API to search and fetch song lyrics. Integrating this API enabled users to easily add song lyrics via Genius instead of copy-pasting manually. It works perfectly for most songs with the exception of a few relatively unknown ones. Another minor feature is automatically searching the song on YouTube and embedding the most relevant video in the song's page.

Chord Annotations

I also built a chord annotator whereby users can specify chords for different parts of the lyrics. It was quite challenging to formulate an algorithm that played nicely with Quill's Delta format.

PowerPoint Generation

The icing on the cake was the website's ability to convert song lyrics to PowerPoint files. This was achieved by traversing the DOM of the lyrics and dividing it according to heading elements. Once the sections have been identified, the website translates them into a format suitable for PptxGenJS which is a Javascript library for creating PowerPoint files. The code can be found at /lib/powerpoint.tsx.

        Additional settings are provided for users to tweak the style of the generated PowerPoint (font size, character spacing etc). To simplify this process, I added a preview section which I found to be both cool and useful when customizing.

Other export types include Microsoft Word, PDF and HTML.

Export types

Export types


Based on feedback from church members, the Stats page displays a ranking of songs ordered by the number of times they have been sung the past month or all time. This helps worship leaders to determine which songs are often/rarely sung.

Songs which have been recently sung

Songs which have been recently sung


  • The website proved to be a fruitful endeavour which saved plenty of time.
  • Handling database transactions were a breeze due to Prisma's straightforward ORM methods.
  • Most of the effort was geared towards exporting lyrics to multiple formats and building a user-friendly interface.